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Look before you leap on Electric Vehicles

Look before you leap on Electric Vehicles

There is an old saying to look before you leap because you may not like where you land. That concept has never been more appropriate than when examining and discussing the idea of moving forward and converting toward electric Vehicles. While the idea may make people...

Coronavirus Shutdowns Shift Energy Costs to Individuals

Coronavirus Shutdowns Shift Energy Costs to Individuals

Beginning in March, when businesses across the country snapped off the lights and sent employees home to curb the spread of Covid-19, overall electricity consumption declined. But household energy use surged, with some New York City apartments consuming, on average,...

An Update from Affordable Energy for NJ

It is no secret the COVID-19 pandemic has wreaked havoc on both the health and economic security of New Jersey residents. Millions of dollars are being diverted to fund health care initiatives, non-essential businesses are forced to close doors, and unemployment...

Groups forms to effect energy master plan

A coalition of labor, energy, business and civic groups have launched Affordable Energy for New Jersey to help shape energy policy following the release of New Jersey’s Energy Master Plan. The group includes the New Jersey Chamber of Commerce, New Jersey Business...