
We throw around big numbers alot when we are talking about energy costs, sources and demand vs. supply. But sometimes it’s a good idea to take a step back and think about what it really all means. Two weeks ago, we talked about a 700% in energy costs at the PJM auction. But what does that really mean? Let’s look at a gallon of milk:

That means each gallon of milk would cost $23 more. If it were eggs, the average cost would go from $5.05 to to over $35 for twelve. 

These cost increases we are talking about aren’t theoretical, they are real. They would have a significant impact on every part of our economy. And frankly, they would be self inflicted because of hte poor decisions being made when it comes to energy supply under the false pretense that demand will magically go down.

But it doesn’t have to be this way. The BPU can stop picking winners and losers and adopt an Energy Master Plan that will work to reduce emissions while meeting demand and keeping costs affordable. The question is, will they?