
BPU Thinks NJ Can Be Powered By Hot Air

New Jersey is falling behind its plans when it comes to wind. Despite all the scare tactics about the need to move away from traditional energy sources to wind and solar, the NJ BPU has done much more talking than they have done developing:

The fact is, the number of press releases far exceeds their accomplishments. It appears their efforts are directed more at news generation than electric generation. If each of those 186 releases were a wind turbine, the BPU would finally be on pace to complete phase 1 and phase 2 of their wind turbine plans.

To put things in further perspective, in order to meet the goals of the Energy Master Plan, New Jersey needs to erect and connect one offshore wind turbine every 13 days for the next 28 years. 

The bottom line is we need more tangible action and more megawatts of generation

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