In the wake of the devastation from hurricanes Henri and Ida in just the last two weeks, there continues to be commentary on what steps we need to take next. During (what is becoming regular) extreme weather events, residents need to understand that we are unable to generate power from sources like wind and solar. Because nothing is generated, when it comes time for recovery, there is no energy to draw upon. It is another example of why we need to have a diverse set of options in our energy portfolio to make sure we can turn the lights back on.
This Wall Street Journal story highlights some of the most important factors in ensuring quick recovery times when power goes out and the opening sentence reminds us why we need to proceed with caution:
Natural gas and electricity markets were already surging in Europe when a fresh catalyst emerged:
The wind in the stormy North Sea stopped blowing.
Affordable Energy for New Jersey was founded on the principle that we do not believe in picking energy winners and losers. What has occurred in the North Sea, a place that is trumpeted as an example of what New Jersey offshore wind could be, leaves those of us paying attention to the details with some level of skepticism.
Selecting winners in the process results in the public losing reliable, affordable energy.